A quick intro from Christina Parish

Having grown up in northern Sweden on a farm it has always been in my blood that my body needs to be strong and have the ability to work hard. At the age of 16 I started weight lifting and it was a wonderful feeling to experience what I was capable and further developing that strength in- and outside of the gym.

Over two decades, two countries and two children later it was an obvious step for me to open up my PT studio with a specific focus on women. Way too often women are being told that their bodies are ornaments and how their bodies function is less important.

However with puberty, potential pregnancy and childbirth as well as menopause and more, our bodies go through many complex changes which means that we need our strength and our health much more than we are told.

My aim is to empower my clients to find the strength their mind and body is capable of and build a life with sustainable healthy habits. It’s simply what everyone deserves. 

Want to train with me? Book a free consultation to find out how I can help!